The Full Stop: The Last Program You'll Ever Need



 This isn’t about chasing trends or following the world’s idea of what health looks like. Body Revival is a call back to the biblical truth of stewarding our bodies, the temples we’ve been entrusted with. It’s about preparing yourself—mind, body, and spirit—to fulfill the calling God has placed on your life with strength, courage, and clarity.

The Full 40 is where you stop letting distractions pull you away from the work that truly matters. This is where you reclaim your health, not for the sake of appearance, but because your calling requires you to show up strong, alert, and aware. We are warriors, and warriors don’t thrive in passivity.


Excellence Requires Consistency

The enemy doesn’t need to destroy you outright if he can keep you distracted, passive, and unfocused. He thrives in keeping you from showing up fully—mentally, spiritually, and physically.

But you’ve been called to something higher. Consistency in health is not about achieving worldly standards; it’s about being prepared—strong in body and mind to do the work God has placed in your hands. Your thoughts, your words, and your actions are powerful, and they create the foundation for how effectively you can carry out your calling. It’s time to reclaim your personal responsibility, to guard your temple, and to walk in alignment with the strength and clarity that your mission requires.


Take Back What's Yours

The battle for your health isn’t just physical—it’s spiritual. The enemy doesn’t need to destroy you if he can keep you comfortable, distracted, and unaware of what’s truly at stake. Your thoughts, your energy, your time—if they are consumed by anything other than your divine purpose, he’s already won a foothold.

The Body Revival is a call to rise up, to reclaim your awareness, and to be intentional with your time, your focus, and your strength. You’re not here to simply survive—you’re called to take ground, to move forward in boldness, and to be a light in the darkness. It starts with waking up to the distractions that pull you off course. The battle is real, and it’s time to show up ready.


HOLYSTIC Transformation

This isn’t just about changing habits; it’s about aligning your health with the higher purpose God has for your life. When you allow distractions to cloud your thoughts, weaken your body, or pull your focus, you become less effective in the work He has set before you. True transformation comes when you steward every part of yourself—your mind, body, and spirit—under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The enemy seeks to weaken you through distraction, but God calls you to be alert, aware, and strong. This isn’t about perfection; it’s about walking in alignment with the purpose He’s already placed on your life. Your health is part of your spiritual readiness. The clearer your mind, the stronger your body, the more effective you’ll be in carrying out His mission.


The Body Revival is HERE

This is more than just a program; it’s a mandate to step into the fullness of your calling. Body Revival Full 40 is about reclaiming your health—mind, body, and spirit—not for the sake of appearances, but because the strength you build here equips you for Kingdom work. The enemy wants you passive and distracted, but you were created to be bold, courageous, and ready for the work ahead.

This is your moment to reclaim your awareness, your strength, and your clarity. Your body is not a liability; it’s a weapon. It’s time to steward it like the warrior you are, walking in alignment with the purpose God has given you.


Tuesday Mornings

Rise With Intention

Rise with intention, not just on Sundays, EVERYDAY! This is faith in action - faith that moves, that shakes, that transforms. Are you ready to live out loud?"