Ep 197: Separation Season: Four Ways to Move Yourself Into A Better Position of Leadership

Ep 197: Separation Season: Four Ways to Move Yourself Into A Better Position of Leadership

  • You don't always start at quarterback, often you begin on the practice squad
  • The mindset of a champion, what you do and don't need
  • Character and humility - the key components of true leadership
  • Are you as mature in your business as you think?
  • The mistake you make is not your fault, the mistake you keep repeating is
  • Perseverance is the most essential virtue to a successful life
  • Scar tissue doesn't just represent pain, it represents a building up of toughness
  • Check in with the Holy Spirit when it comes to finding the right team
  • It's tough to achieve success when you do not have this critical thing
  • Put your foot on the gas and keep it one when these things tie together


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